516 Saantt muß expet7 to be revild in Chri fls caufe, is, The perfecution of the Tongue for the fake ofjefus Chriil; Bieff ed are y&u when sane (nail revileyou. Revile } s : The word it fignifies to reproach with detel}a- lion, and with chiding; to obiec't evil againit men, and fo to .chide and fall out with men,and give them evil language,tl,at's the propriety of the word The Englifh word revile you, it comes from theLatine that fignifies vileneffe, to ufe one as if they were bate and contemptible, not worthy to be regarded, to (peak fo of any as vild, to feek ro render a man vild and contemptible by our wòrds ; i Pet: z. 23. You have the fame word in your books of Chritl, That when he MU reviled he reviled not again, but it's not the fame word in the Greek, but yet to the fame purpofe , now there are divers points here, but the main it is. Obferve , That the Saints mull eipec7 this ill ufage from wicked men while they live here, to be revil'd in the caufe of Chrifl, Secondly, So long as ic'be for Chris' and falfly (lying) fo the word is, ,here it's tranflated, when they Ball fay all manner of evill falfely; when_taey fpeike all manner of evill lying) While its for Chrill, and falle, the Saints are Nei - fed in their fufferings, in this reviling that they mutt expect; I.eviling and fpeaking all manner of evil, every evill thing, fo is the word, they moil expect what ever Hell or wicked men can invent againfl them, that they mutt expect to be call upon them : The time would quickly be gone if we fhould looke over Scriptures to fee how the Saints have been revil'd in It times ; that it's no new thing,_but that I than rather omit, till I come to the next thing, where it's faid, For fo did they ufe the Prophets, there we than fee how the Saints in all times have been reviled, and therefore.we than fpare the mentioning of Scriptures in this place; referring it to that they mull expeet teviling from wicked men, becaufe wicked men hate them,and mall;ce is very inventive to find out falfe accufations, where. there is hatred, if they cannot reach them with the hand, they will reach !them by the tongue, thofe that can they will reach