Saints mufb clef to bcre viled in Chri,/fs caufò. 577 reach by the hand and tongueboth, but there are not many that can do lo, but there's no wicked man but can reach another ,b the tongue. Every wicked man hates thole that are.godly, an therefore will be ready to reach them'by the tongue : So thar. it's impoilible for any to live godly, but he mull fuffer from the tongues of men , it is potfible for a man to as to be deli- vered from the hands of wicked men, but never from their tongues, becaufe every wicked man can reach them that way, and their hearts hate them, in Prov: 16.27: An ungodly max ,diggetb up will, and in his Zips there is a burninç fire : If he can fee no evill in thole that are godly, he will digg for it, he will labour to find it out, nay he will frame ir, and conceive it, if he cannot get any reali evill, hediggs for it : And in his lips there is a burnitg fire, in fpeaking evill, and provokingly. And the ungodly they lookupon the wayes of God as irratio- nail waye, they can fee no reafoti for them, and hence it is that they revile the Saints, They do not underfland their principles in their wayes, and therefore they think they .are but hypocrites, for indeed if a wicked man fhould do the faire thing that the Saints do, he would be an hypocrite, becaufe he bash not principles to carry him through : Now they do not know their principles to carry them through, therefore they fay they are hypocrites, and falfe, and revile them with ill. names. Yea they fee the godly in their wayes to condemn them, and that images them.: The godly challenge a more interell in God then they have, and that they cannot bare, therefore they will invent all the wayes in the world they can, ro call contempt upon them : Forif they thould nor, their godlineife would make them honourable in the eyes-of the world, and the j do envy the honour that they have, becaufe they are dif- honour'd, and difgrac'd by it : You read of Sanballat and To bia, that did labour to call reproach upon them, and what was fhe reafon of it ? This is the reafon that's given by Interpre- ters : This fame Sanballat and Tobia had their Temple at Sa- maria ; There was a Temple built therein centellatton about the Temple in 7erufalem : Now when the Temple came to B e e e built