Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

578 Saints muf exjeCt to bereziled in 1hri(Is caufe. built at 7erxfalem, they thought furely now our. Temple at Spa- maria will be difgrac'd ; Every body would be ready to goe- from them to the Temple at Jerufaletn ; When indeed the Temple of ferufalern was down, then theZemple of Samaria. they thought might he honoured, but if the Temple at'erufa km were built, the Temple at Samaria would be accounted norhin , therefore they raife all the accufations thatpo:Ebly: they can againfa Nehemiah,that fo the honout and the credit of. their Temple might not goe dòwne : This is for all the world the guile and way of men that are in any way of wickedneife,, that is not according to God If any fha11 come to fet up a W y that bath any kind offeemiugneife of more ftrianetle it, O then their hearts are imbittered, and then they leek by calumnies and reproaches, and all the wayes they can, to beat down the efteem of thofe men ; For fay they, if thofe goe up then ours goes down ; and thofe that are godly will goe to the Temple that is built there, for it loth feem to have the more appearance out of Scripture to be the better, and therefore it's time for them to be flirring.This is the reafon of the reproaches. that wete call upon,Nehemiah by Sanballat and Tobia, ever fuch as are moll fo -ward in wayes of reformation, mull expect reviling, we read in the third of Zech: a. 3, He (hewed me. 7ofhua the high prieft fganding before the Angel of the Lord, & Satan flauding at his right handta refrfl him, &c. Now fofhua was cloathed with filthy garments, and flood before the Angel. Mark, Tofhua here, was the great inflrunient of good in the work of reformation ; now Satan Bands at his right hand to hinder him in his work, by which means he Both feem to call_ filth upon fofhua ; fo fhua 'lands cloathed wiih filthy garments, with reproachings, & revi- lings,and this was the way that Satan thoughtto hinder : And thofe that are forward in the worke of reformation Satan feeks to hinder by reproachings and re- vilings ; And he feekes to do ir, becaufe that indeed there is nothing more grievous to an ingeneous fpirit then reviling and reproaching , Ir was very grievous to Chrifl, Chrifl cryed out when they nodded the head at him : And we never read of che_Saints making their moans & complaints to God in a more lamen-