Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

A word of ufe to thofe that arc rezii,d, 479 lamentable manner,then when reproaches were call upon them :" It is more grievous CO a fpirit of ingenuity then imprtfonment is then Toile of goods, then paint in their bodyes, yea many times then death. Some men have been able to withal and im- prifònment, loge of their ettates, danger of death, that have 'not been able to withftand reviling and reproaching. The De- gill hath prevail'dby that way, when he could not prevaile by any other oppofition of the Sainrs.Now then the Devill feeing that this is fo grievous to an ingenuous Spirit, therefore he la- bours by this mean, if he cannot prevaile with the other, he hopes he (hall prevaile with this,and therefore.the Saints muff expea revilings and reproaches. Yea God many times hath Come hand in it, in fufering them to be reviled and reproached : God fometimes dotti chaflife his people by the revilings of ungodly men, though it turves to their ble(l'ing at length -- They are humble by that means But that we are not to fpeake of in this place; for we are to Beak only of their reviling for the .name of Chri(t ; Wherefore then by way of Ufe. Hence then when any of you enter upon the profeiliow of Religion at fire, make account of this before hand ; nuke ac- count that your dearefl friends will be ready to revile 'you, make account in the family to have those that will revile you, and if you meet with revilings in the wayes of God, doe not account it a ftrange thing prefently, upon your profellìron of Religion you mull expo& reproaches and contempt to be call upon you : Lay in for that you young profefhors that begin in wayes of godline(pe that you may not, be turn'd out of the way, whenfoever you meete with them. Secondly,Let the Saints labour to walk more exae`lly becaufe of this, Bided are you if you be reviled for my fake fall iy: You fee the world is fet upon revilin g, take ee ethat yo hat u rive no accafion to revile you, but they revile you for nothing but for Chrifts fake : O that's an excellent thing when Chrtltians;can fo walk, as when their e- nemyes feek to find out any thing, yet they have no reproach to call upon them, but meetly their forwardneffe in the wayes E e e 2, vfei,