Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

5áo .4 word of v fe to thofe that are reviled.' of Gad; And if they will revile them for any thing elfe, it mutt be either by hear -fay from others,or from devices of their own ; doe not fuffer like. fooles, O let not Chritlians fulfer as evill- doers,. why they are, like to fuffer for Chril +s. fake. Thirdly,Muft the. Saints expea revilings from wicked men,, _ O then let not Saints revile Saints ; It's enough that the Saints. are revid'd by the ungodly, let not chofe.that are profeifors of Religiomadd to them : Do.not you bind me, as Sampfon raid, fo let not filch as are reputed godly revile me, O let not the godly make the lives of other godly men to be grievous un: them any way, though Chri(I will turne it to a bletlîng, yet it is . very hard for the Saints to indure revilings, efpecially from thoiè that are godly too: David faith in one of the Pfalms,, That he was reviled by his neighbours ; It was he that eat bread with me at my Table, it was my friend and intimate ac- quaintance : and in chat, David, was a. type of Chrill that was betrayed by Judáe, that was his intimate friend :. You that are tìae people of God, you fhould be very careful( of one ano ±ers" names, "for certainly the devill laughs much at it, there is no greater matter of joy in hell,then when one godly man reviles, another, 0 you make fport even for the Devills themfelves and certainly there was never the like of that, as within thef few years, Thofe that are the people ofGod fhould not revile. the vile wicked ones, much leíle the Saints. I remember I have read of `Qariur his Generali, one Memnon, that having fouldi- ers in his prefence which did revile Allexander again(+ whom, he fought, fmote him with his lance on the head and faid, Sir- rah, I pay thee thy wages to fight againfi Allexander, and not tq revile ç mifcall him. O where you fee any work of grace,take heed of reviling. We might bring now that que(lion in here,Why may we not (peak evil! of men that are evill ? It will either belong to this place, or when we come in way of Application to the fecond, That thofe are bleffed that are reviled : Wherein we ihould fhew how the Saints IMould behave themfelves, that though &hey be reviled fhould not revile again, - Thofe that fuffer re, vilmg