Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

YYhertin they are bleß,'ed that fuffer reviliii. t viling are bleffed; they are bleffed many wayes. Not to name the many. Scriptures which we might : 2 Cor. 12. To, & lieb. t r. z 6. But to flaew wherein, they are bleffed when they fuf- ter reviling. Firft,hereby they fee a great difference that God hath made between them and others,they may think thus with themfelvs,. I niig6h have been among the number of revilers, kt behold I am revil'd for Chrilts fake.O what a bleffed thing is that, I that have as wretched a heart as any,. I that might have been left to my felfe to have been among the rout of revilers of the Saints, yet that I fhould rather be reviled, thenbe among the revilers, the difference is great. But fecondly, Bleffed are they that are reviled, for by this means they come to increafe in grace, rather then any way to hindered Its raid òf Luther that he was fedwith reproaches that wicked men call upon him ; And indeed God cloth fuffer he revitings ofwicked men, to make the Saints more fruitful, as the tailing of dung upon the earth maketh it more fruitfull. Bleffed are they therefore, they never grow more then when they are móft reviled. Thirdly, But then further, Bleffed are they, for all the re- proaches that are cart upon them; Chrill Both own, I' account them as mine faith Chrif i,and Chrill takes care of their names, and Chrilt will honour them, Chril will reward them for every reproach ; for every nick name that is caft upon them' they shall have a great reward inHeaven : Therefore they are bleffed. Now then if it be fo,T, hough there be divers particulars for Application, yet this is the main:, thing that I fhall now infìlt upon ; That Hit be a bleffed thing to be reviled for Chrifl ; Then chofe that are reviled fhould not reek to help themfelves by reviling aga'in,why wilt thou in a rage revile back again? Why I am pevil'd, who can bare it ? Why what hurt canll thou get by it ? Chrift faith thou art bleffed in it ;therefore thou mayefl be she better pa ient under it r Yea the more pa-. tient thou art in it, the more will Chrifl own thee, 3 I b .al Q &_a s. David he had been revil'd and reproacht, thut