_,401.2 Ike who are reviled, f7,culd not revile again e, that feek after my life lay fnares forme, and they feek,my hurt, fpeak,mifchievous things, and imagine deceits all the day long, what then ? But I as a deaf man heard not, and I was as a dumb man that opened not his mouth ;7 l us I was as a man that hear - ;th ;,cot, and in whole month are no reproofis : Marke now, For in thre O Lord do 1 hope, thou wilt hear O Lord my God. The leffe we hear in our revilings,the more will God heare, and if we hear too much, Gods ears will be the more flopt : Gods neon le know wayes how to help themfelves rather then by re- turning reviling again. Indeed you have many people who e fcoulding in the ffreets,and if one írould calf dirt at them hey will calf dirt at them again:. ; that's ailthe weapons that icoulds have, to call dirt upon one another Now thole that have manhood in them, they will not run to the kennels to help themfelves, but to their other weapons : -- But you wil fay this, do not we find in Scripture that When men are wicked and vild, thatthe Scripture doth give them their own, the 'Scripture dhth fpeak of them as vild and cafes contemptible naines upon them ; and may not we do fo with thole that dm deale wickedly and finfully ; may not we open their folly, and deale with them according to their folly,and thew their flume unto the world, and feek thereby for to humble them by as', graxating their evil! upon them, will you call this a reviling game. --- Indeed we read of Chri(f, in r Pet: 2, 23. His example is fet before us, Who when he was reviled reviled not again, but committed to him that judçeth righteously : But now 1 befeech you obferve Firf +, what the Scripture doth in Tome cafes ; Secondly, Obferve the Rules that thould be obferved to make them to be different from reviling. Certainly the Saintsmufl not revile againe,that muff be laid as a ground and principle, yet they may rebuke others sharply, In r Tit: The Apoffle there fpeaks of the cretiosns that were lyars, andmark what words the Apofile ufes, ver: io. faith he, There are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers : efpecially they of the circumciPion, whole mouths mull be fiopt ; And then again, One of themfelves faid, the Cretians are alwayes l ears, vili-