Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

Rules' how to denle with wicked men, wayes; And if they be of fuch natures that we find by any thing elle,that any foft and gentle wayes will do them good,certain 1 , we should ufe them rather then (harp wayes. Eleventhly , The more Chart) we are at any time in our dealing with others, the more prayers we fhould ufe ; I would appeale to thofe;both from the former rule and this, when you. deale with men that you are exafperated againfl, doe not your Confciences tell you , that if they should be guilty of fuch a thing, that a faire realoning the Cafe with them would more Convince them then if you fhould-be fham, there I fay we thould look to our felves ,, that we doe Convince then that way. We ( hould of much prayer ; never pray more for a man or woman,, then when you are molt lharpe . towards them : Let your Confciences teflthe -this to ycu,_and then you will havé peace:. That you can appeale to God in this,, that though they may.thiiik you deale fharply with them, yet then I can carry them before the Throne. of Grace , and pray hear- tily for them : And if they be wicked and ungodly,thou niayeft pray againft them, as Paul did againfl Alexander. the -Copper - fintth. Twelfthly , Another Rule may be this, Be ready upon the acknowledgement of the evil! to Clofe with them againe : you should never fo fharply reprove any, but if they (hall be rea- dy to acknowledge -the evill,you íhould be ready to dole with them, and bleffe God for them: But you doe. revile others, if they ;hall come and 'acknowledge the evill that you fay , and yeeld to you in that thing you fpeak againfl them for, nay you are the more againft them, that's a figne thou art a Reviler ; But if thou did'fl carry thy felfe Gratoufly, and the other comes to acknowledge it , .O you would joyne with them, and bleue God for them, and more be united to them then ever. Thirteenthly , Another Rule is this, That's a reviler that fpeaks evil! of another, and is glad that he hath filch an evil; to fpeak of him; This is not one that reproves fharply accord - ing..to the mind of God, but Inch a one I have an advantage agatu l him in Inch a fin :he,hath committed, aid I am glad of ir,