Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

Roles how to deale with swicLZed men. :it, O this is a wicked thing ; That's as much as to fay, I prize móre my particular advantage, then I do the honour of God : when thou haft to deale with an Adverfary, if there be any thing that is evill that thou haft to fay againft him ; I fay, thou fl,ouldeft charge him according to the nature of the offence ; -- And withall be forty that God haL h 1eft,him to fuch a fin ; And mow ne for it, --- Appeale to jiod Doe you doe fo that doe revile others ? I meane, that fpeak evill of others ; for no man will acknowledge himfelfe to be a Reviler ; No, they fay they have juft Gaffe to fpeak of it; But grant it, that you have juft caufe, but are you forry from your foules that there is juft caufe, how dorh it grieve your foules that this man is left to fo much evil(, that you have fo much advan- tage againft him, certainly if it be fo, there is no feare of Re- viling. Fourteenthly , Laftly , When men fhall come and fpeak evill of others before they are called to it, there certainly it doth'argue a guiltinefe. Herein this man or woman is in dan- cer to be guilty of the fin of Reviling ; So that now obferve but there Rules,(for the heart of man is very unruly) and then you may come to know how to carry your felves in a Chriftian way when you have to deale with others that do deferve (harp reprehenfion, you may reprehend them fharply, and not at all revile them ; For he is a bleffed man that is.revii'd falfely for Chrilts fake. Ffff SERMON