g88 xl g. . . a 'Ming S E R O XXXVI'. O gl. A word of tcfe to thole who are reviled. M A T H. S. II:. $leffed areye,when men ¡hall revileyott, and perfecute yon, and 'ball fay all manner of e' ill againfl you fal fely, for my fake. M'.`ñ \' 5 . ... .. -... His lafl Rule of our Saviours for bleffedne:s is the molt ffrange to fleth & blood of all the other, for them to be bleffed that are perfecuted,'reviled, yea the rather bleffed becaufe perfecuted and reviled; this is a ridle to.flefh and blood,tberefore Chrift is the more large in it; there is but one fhort verfe for any of the other, and three large verfes for this. For the oynt of perfecution we have opened what it is, and the condition of the Saints what that is, wherein the bleffedneffe of that confiffs, becaufe few will acknowledge that they pe-rfe cute for righteoufneffe, we gave force Convi6ions for men, whereby they may come to know that in their perfecution of godly men, that it is righteoufneffe that they may perfecute ; and what is contained in that promife, theirs is the kngdorne of heaven. - We came the !aft day to fpeakof this particular perfecuti- Up,,