Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

zeord of ufe ro thofe who are reviled. on,the perfecution of the tongue, reviling Bleffed are ye when men (hall revile your. The word for reviling,fignities to reprove one, to call in their teeth any evill with detellation Now the condition of the Saints is fuch that they mull expea to be re- viled in the world, and to be reviled and reproached, and that we mewed you from Scripture ; and for example, we íh :all re- ferre. to the latter end of. it ; For fo perfecated they the `Pro -. phets. The ufe of reviling.i.gave the lal} day ; the hatred and malice that there is tie hearts of men, all ungodlymen hate the Saints, but yet all cannot perfecute them, but every one may revile them, they have the liberty of the tongue to fpeakk of them as they will, though not to perfecute them ; and the Devil]: knows that reviling it is a powerfull way to prevaile to weary theta in their profeifion ; your fpirits cannot beare re, viling, it is a fore and heavy affliaion unto many, and hard to beare, and he feeth that many timers when he cannot prevaile by perfecution, that he doth prevaile by reviling ; reviling is a fore evill, and doth goe very deep into the fpirits of men. Many ufes Were, made of the poynt in general", as when men take up their profeffion of Religion,at hrfk, let them make ac- count of reviling,account of all ill language;it may be parents, kindred, friends, acquaintance, Mailers and all will revile you, and will have names to revile you by,and make account of this before ; and then, fecondly , labour to be caref}iil in your con- verfaion, men will revile you doe what you Can,but;let them not find any thing in you, whereby they may. -revile you. Thirdly, let not Saints revile one another , for it is very fad fo to doe, it is that, that the Pfalmil complained 'of in the 3 r, Pfalme, it is in the t ï verfe, I was a reproach among all mire enemies, bast e fjiecially among my Neighbonrs,and a feare to mine acquaintance, they that did fee me without, fled from me. He makes a complaint of the reproach of his enemies, but efpeci- ally among{' his Neighbours- that was fore to him , it was not fo much for the Saints to fuffer reviling language by Prelates,, as to fuffer one from another; this is exceeding fad ; Doe yos not bind me,faith Sampfon;fó the godly Will fay oftheir fellow - brethren, doe notyou bind zas- ?. there is a great biding in fui er-