590 Saints m4 not revile, though they are reviled. ing of reviling ; t he husbandman makes his ground`frtitiufl, by caning dung on is ; fo doch God make his Saints fruitfull, by the tacking revilings on them by wicked men; why is it inch a blefledneile ? thou art to look on it as a blefled thing , that when thou art reviled for Chrill, thou mighteff havebeen re- viled for thine owne wickednetfe ; and bleffed are ye,for there is a great reward ; great is your reward in heaven,. the Lord takes care of your names while you are fo reviled.The ufe that we flood upon the lafl day is this , that if it be fuch a'bleffed thing to be reviled, to fuffer for Ghrifl, thenit thould teach the Saints that when they are reviled not to revile againe,for what need they, it is that that is turned into a`bleffìng. Againe, We mull not revile others, what May we not charge others of the evill that they are guilty of, we fpent a Non eJ1;inculpa great deale of time the lafl day to thew you how yon may fed e re rgue oc charge others of what evill they are guilty of,and charge them f deeply too, and not be guilty of reviling,becaufe it was a hard worke to have to doe with other mens tins, and not robe guil- ty of reviling, Titus i,eh. io, and i 3:verfes.For there arema- ny unruly and vaine talkers and deceivers, efpecially they of the arvEcrosfign- C:rcumca ian The word tranflated ar l t, crrrtin t and if fies cuttingly ii Jh p' y g y, or precifely, or any people of the world maybe rebuked, they are the Creti- to the quick tins that are lyars, they:may call them: tothe rule of the Apo- Sa Eilius. file : it is not cafe when any have provoked you to fat! prefent- ly a rebuking, when thebufneffe concerns our felves we may avoyd the turning of reprehenfions into revilings by delibera- ting of ir, and if the finne be fecret then weniufl not in a pub - lick wayfpeake evill of men, for thenitis an argument that a man loves reviling,when he feekes to rake up fecret things and declares and pu`bliíhes them in evill language to the w:.orld, if God keep them fecret then you should not reveale them, and you muff not be gladof offences neither,oh take .heed of that, oh mourn for them and be fure what language you give have a jufl foun 'ati -)n in the evill that is committed . by thofe men that you speak againfl, and that you do 'not doe it paíhonate -ly and revengefully, but it out of ameeke and quiet fpiritand out oflove,to -the truth, the more you fpeake_again& any, and charge