Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

Saints fhould nat be put out of their way by reviling. charge any evill on them, you ought to pray the more from their, and fpecially if you think there be any thing of God in them, and if they have any thing of God inthem; do not fpeak any thing aagainfi them but in prayer, were thefe rules but ob- ferved, that As often as they prayed for them, they prayed for them, as with abitter fpirit they fpoke againfi them, then thou wouldefi be clear ita thy Coiatence of reviling. But not to proceed further in that which we fpoke of the lafi day. A word or two mere about this poynt in general!. If they be Bleffed that be reviled,Let not the Saints by revi- ling be put out of their way, when as- Chrifi tells thee thou art bleffed, what great hurt hall thou when fuch call thee fuch names, and fpeak fuch evil! of thee and thou canfibear ir, fuch as know what chriflian Religion means indeed, they should not at all be turned out of their way becaufe of reviling nor.. diflike thereof, do not fit down with this, fince I came to pro - feffe the chriflian Religion, what names have been call on me, fcornes, reproaches and revilings, I remember a learned matt oath thisßmilitude, what a difhonour were it for a Souldier with a puke óf winde to be cafi off his horfe, would not every one laugh at it ? Such.a dishonour is it for any one that is in -a good way or in a good caufe to be taken off by the reproaches of wicked men which are but puffes of wind, men are willing to fuffer reproaches for their finne, shame, and any name for to have their lull, and wilt not thou be willing to fuffer nick names for the caufe of Chrifi, remember that Chrifi bath delivered thee from an eternal reproach, t a Dan.2. And ma= ny of them that fleep in the deft of the. earth (hall awake, fume tg everlaftting life, andfame to (hame, and everleing contempt. Yea remember that Chrifi takes care of thy name, ad thou art under a great many of promifes for clearing thy righteouf- iaeife as the noon day, and it is not to fit down and think to go out of the way by reafon of reviling, but pray to the Lord. Take Direffions how' two or three Scriptures for dire &ions to the godly when they to be dory ir, are reviled, the one is in the 109 P fai, the beginning Hold eproacbec:.. S9i