Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

5.92 ,ad1 rïmn Revilers curled. Hold not thy peace, O God of my praife. For the mouth of the wicked, and the mouth ofthe deceitfull are opened againfi me,they have fpoken againfi mey with a lying tongue. David was a type of the Church and he fyittered exceeding much, all kind of flitte- ring and reviling as much as any, their mouths was opened, what then in the 3 verte. They compafed me about alfo with words of hatred, andfought againfi me without a çaufe. Verf. 4. What then ? What do I doe, but/give my felf to prayer, The Original is this, but I pray, that is my refuge, payer is my help, So in i 6 job so. My friends fc®rwsme, but mine eye pow - reth out tears unto God. Pia'. 57. 2. & 3. vertes. /will cry unto God molt high, unto God that performeth all things for me. He (hall fend from Heaven,ánd fave me from t,:e reproach of him that would (wallow me up, &elah. God fal fend forth his mer- cy and his truth, and other like expreflìons of David, I have helpe in Heaven and therefore I need not revile again and be difcouraged in my way, Nehemiah was reproached when he was in his work, and did he ceafe his work ? no. In the laft place, if thole be bletfed that are reviled, then certainly thole that are revilers are curled, it is a bletlzd Thing when men being godly are reviled for Ch di}, then what dolt thou think that inf }ead of fuffering for reviling, that arc a revi- ler, thole that were reviled, and being weary of ir, are turned revilers, oh take heed of them, there are no more bitter revi- lers of Religion in the world then fuch as are apoffatizing pro - feffors; when you fee any man that bath been a forward and fallen off, and turned out, remember Rabfh. ak4's Apot}acy that was the wort} reviler of all, furely revilers of thofe that are godly are in a very curled condition, for men may pray again(} them, ehem: 4. 3, 4, & 5. verfes. Now Tobiah the Ammonite,uan by him, and he faid, even that which they bui -1, if a .fox go up, he (hall even break down their flonè wall..Hear, O our God, for we are defpi fed, and turn their re- proach upon their own head, and give them for a prey in the land of captivity. 4flnd cover not their iniquity, and let not their fin be blotted cut Item before thee,, for they have provoked thee to an- ger before the builders. See for ignorant ones in that place of the