Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

Their fofierity is bleffed who are reviled. 593 the fecónd book of the Kings, the 2 Ch. 23, & 24. verfes. And he went up, from thence unto ßethell, and as he was going up by the way, there come forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, fayiva, gee up thou bald-head,ao up thou bald-head. t/índ he turned back, and looked on them and turfed them in the name of the Lord, and there came forth two Shee bears out of the wood, and tare 9.2 children of them. Oh take heed of reviling, rhough you do it ignorantly_take heed of it it is a moll dange- rous thing,you will fay you do not revile them for their good - nefle, but becaufe they are hypocrites, for that, I will give you that Scripture, you may think it may be an excute; but it may prove to be an aggravation, 3 Mark z 2. And the Scribes which came down fram Hicrufalem, Paid he hark Belzebub, and by theprince of the divells cafieth he out Devills. They would not revile them and fay, we do not fpeake thofe evills of them becaufe they have the Spirit of God, but it is by Belz,ebub, therefore from thence note this, That its a dangerous thing to to charge that on hypocrifie or any wickednefle, & God knows it comes from his own fpirit, I might thew you divers Scrip- tures, read the 59'l'fui. and the 57 l'fal: But efpecially the 59 Pfal: That they goe up and down grieving through the City, you fpeake contemptible of the Saints, and the Holy Ghofl fpeakes very contemptible of you, God keeps their hands ilìort or elfe they would do more, for they go grieving up and down the fareetes. But to go on in the Text ;, Blefled are you when men revile you, and perfecute yen, Here comes in perfecution again. Firtt, From the doubling of this, ( for there is nothing in Scripture that is in vaine, though there be repetions yet there is fome reafon) ) ou are blefled and your pollerity is bleffed, Chrif' pronounceth bleffedneffe on fuch as fuffer for his names fake, Char fuffer perfecution, and it may be a great comfort ro any that have had their forefathers fuffered, and Chrifl will own them the rather, Chrifl will own their poflerity the ra- ther. Suppofe you fhould have one come ro'you in poor tat- tered ragg , and begg at your door, and one should come and tell you, this mans father loll all that he had for your fake ; his Gg g v Grand -.