Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

s 94 Ssmemen can baneill language but Trot perfectstion. Grand -father loft his life in your caufe, would not any Haan re- ward this child, when he knowes this was the child of the fa- ther, or the grand -child of that Grand-father that fuffered for you, it may be you Puffer perfecution now, and ye be pronoun- ced bleffed, and ye find no bleifednefie comes, but you have a double blef3ing yrovided for you here-after, thofe men that now have reviling fpirirs, if God gives power into their hands they will have perfecuting fpirirs, Oh let us pray that the Lord would keep them ihorr,for they would be in danger of being ? rfecuto.rs. Secondly, And further this is added perfecuted, becaufe there are force that can bear ill language that cannot bear per - fecution, force men care not what they fay of them in words, words break no bones, but if they come to futfer the lofie of any thing, of of }ate, imprifonment, then they are ready *o fl off ; be not only willing to bear evil! words, but to bear evil! a&ions, then when they fpeak all manner of evil!, they fpeak all fpeaches, all kind of evil!, it is a farange thing that this fhould be faid of the Difciples,thofe that fhould be Pent out, that they should have all manner of evil! fpoken againfi them, that they thought they fhould be a little too aria but not for all man- ner of evill to be fpoken of them, But Saint Pal/faith, We are the off- fcourirg,f thiarorld, i Cor.4. t 3. The word is taken snptxyt9 xp¡cx,, according to tome Interpreters from the Dungy carts,every one pwgamen1 m brings his dirt and calls into their carts, fo faith Past, We are The word fig. the off- fcouring o f the world, and we are the dung Carts, and nifies proper- there is no man but bath force dirt or other to cafe upon us. aifilth ` t d ng The Apof de alludes to the expiation in ufe among the heathens cart that goes ( Said Bnd eue) When certaine condemned perlons were through the brought forth, with garlands on their heads to be put to death, City wherein as an offering to Neptune, they ufed to fay, Sie Gaon, obi- peripfe- all filth is calk, be thou a propitiation for us, fo as if the A offle had faid, And fo ynpt^}n s p P p µ c, (Dudes, we are as hatefull in the fight of the people, as thole condem- IIrh. Both ned perfons, that was offered up by way of expiation t words fgnifie And now we are loaded with curl ngs and revilings as chore the far". perfons were. Ble fed are ye when they fpeake dl manner of evil, There are fonde that can bare forne reproaches, but not all re- proaches,.