Sainù mill be conte .t to be reviled by the evil they obhos°. 59 K preaches. we muff be willing to fubmit to all that God Thaw tali us to, all manner of evil , it may be there is in fome,fomá caufe of fufpirion,but they mull not reprove men on fufpicion, but if we went no further but only to fpeak evill becaufe there is fome ground of fufpirion; but the people of God mull ex- pea (if on no ground at all) evill men will revile them, -- Secondly, Such kind of evill as is molt contrary to them, as thofe that are the moll fober and molt temperate, they mutt be content to be reviled by the name of drunkards, and thole that are the moll chaff, they mutt be content to be revi- led by the name of unchaft, thofe that delire above all the world peace and would not be caufes of trouble, only fo acre as their duty calls them to, yet they mu{l be accounted to be the troublers of the {late and church, that evill which they do abhorre they mull be content to Buffer, yea whatfoevet evil! that any wicked men are guilty of, yet godly men are charged with it, When Nero would fire Rome the chriftians were the caufe of it, they lay to their charge all kind cfevill, why fhould they (peak of all manner of evill for if they be not guilty of it, then it would be wail-led away. and to the flume of thofe that doe raft it on them, but they will divulge the eviti abroad, and aboundance will come to hear of the reproach, that cannot come to heare of the juftihcation of the reproach, and of the anfwer to the reproach, and therefore boldly and ítrongly will they fpeake all manner of evil!, though it be things that are as farre difitant from them, as the Eaft from the Weft, yet they will feek to caufe it to flick by carting it on them, take off who can , by fpeakin.g all manner o£ evil! ; From this let us !carne not to judge of the Saints by what we heare of them ; what an infinite wrong will it be for us to thinke men to be guilty by what ever is cart upon them , we !hall wrong the genera- tion ofthe righteous. that if we fhould have the lean thought of guiltineffe by the reproaches that are abroad. And then let the godly labour to confute all eviti that is raid of them, LP air ;a Chap. a:; verfe. But as he which bath eat- Ggggz led