Scandalous profeffors hurt Religion, led yogis holy , fo be ye holy in all manner of converfation. It feemes that the wicked they labòur to revile with all manner of evill; to raft on you, and doe you labour in all your conver- fation to manifeft all,holines, and that is the way to. anf tier all. manner of reviling. Thirdly, Further, Eleffed are ye when they revile ye and,. perfecute you, and fpe4e all manner of evil! falfely,lyingly . It is á ftrarage_fpeech,that forge have, if fo b;, that I were guilty it would nothing fó much trouble me, but for them to charge me. when .I never thought on it, it muff needs trouble me, if you were guilty when they fpeak evill of you truly,, then you had , caufe to roare and 'cry . out in the anguish of your heart, Bre- thren, the beft.of all the Saints they have. force evill in them, therefore we fhould labour to walke that men if they will re- vile us, we should be Pure that they should not hit right, we are, confcious of force evill to our felves, but we fhould keepe it from the eye of the world. But now how (hamefull is it for chore that profeffe godlines, to give juft occafion to be revi- led, if mens mouths (hall be opened, and it prove to be true, you that are profeffors of Religion, you by your fin put your felves from under the bleffedneffe, when men (hall fay, you are thus and thus, and your ovine confcience tells you that you. are worfe then they doe accufe you of, thou art in a fad con dition when thou haft in thy bofom a reproving confcience.. You talke of mens revilings, but what Both thy confcience' ?. men fpeak,fome evill of thee, but rhy confcience fpeakes more evill of thee. -- Secondly, confider this, that if it prove true and not falfe that`men reprove you for , it is the hand ofGod ju(tly against thee, God Both fpit in thy face ., and call fhame on thee, by the reviling of other men:- - Fourthly , Further, you are thole that doe hurt unto Reli- gion, yotf that give jufl occafion of mens reviling of them.; Profeifors that. walke fcandáloufly, that makes great fliew of Religion, you are the men, and doe the greateft mifchiefe of any men on the earth. God will require all the fufferings of all his other Saints at your hands, you doe more hurt to Religion then all the, perfecutors of the world ; that Chriflian . that makes