They who for Chri fli are reproached, by Chrift are ble fed , See how God is reviled, the name of God is blafphemed for your fakes, when you walke icandaloufly the name of God is reproached ; if a profeffor of Religion bath. any temptation to fin, confider if thou givea any permitfion to that fin,thou tram- ple, on the name oe ChriP ; you trample on me, faith Chriff,, wilt thou goe on yet to the permitfion of fin, though the name of God lyes before thee ; oh hard hearted wr,tch,that knoweft the name of God lyes there, and thou wilt trample on it. It follows in the twelfth verfe, that is , Rejoyce and be exceed- big glad ; doe not only account your felves bletfed, but rejoyce and be exceeding glad. 6 Chap. of Luke, 2 3 verfe. Rejoyce yee in that day, and leape for joy, for behold, your reward tsgreat to heaven, for in the lie manner did their fathers unto the Pro- phets. Leap for joy, skip and leap for joy when as you are re- viled for Chria, that it is not enough for Chriflians to be pa- tient under fuffering, but they mull be joyfull under fuff er- ing, it doth not become true Chriffians to manifea any kind of forrow under any fuffering for Chria, that when at any time we fuffer in his caufe, what ever we doe when we fuffer for our fin, there we may manifelt the work of forrow, but when we fpff r perfecution for Chrills fake, Chrif} would not have our hearts to be forrowfell at that time, but calls for re'oycing ; and here is the difference between fuffering for fin, and fuifer- ing for the fake ofChria, there the Lord calls for mourning and weeping when affíietion is on you for your fin , but when you fuffer for Chril}s fake, there the Scripture doth not call for any mourning or weeping or any humiliation,but for rejoy- cing and bleffing God that they are accounted worthy for to Offer for him. 599 SERMON