Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

boo ta>talus )1.7..s,aue,s,taa,s,,tao,s,u)&,&& ;%'. ;:45 , VIererilfioriurit,i,i\ . tt : Via'ric rrris)iii,fiif=ritV g"itrritoritrit SERMON XXXVII. O R Saints flwuld take heed they »Ter not for evil, truly. M A T H. 5. t 2. Rejoyce, and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in heaven ; for fo per f ecuted they the Prophets which were before you. He Ialt of there Rules of bleffedneile , it is the fuffering'of perfecution,of reviling for the fake of Chrif }, for bleifed are they ; We have (poke of perfecution in generall, and of reviling more particularly ; and the bleflednefle that there is in futfering ei- ther perfecution or reviling, when they lhall fpeake all manner of evill, evill that is molt unlikely, that bath no kind of fhew in it, yet they venture to fafien all manner of evill onus, but yet falfely, let the Saints take iveed that there be no evill Paid of them truly, for that is a grievous thing, they are not bleffed in that , but when it is fpoken of them falkly, and for my names fake, not for your owne wills fake, for your owne lulls fake, but for the Lords fake, and then Chrifl will owne you, fo certainly Chrifi- bath a fpeciall regard to thofe who fuller any thing in his caufe, as to have their names any wayes wounded, why he will bind up this wound. In