Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

Samts ffssld rejoyce an perfécution. Gor In the I 5 Chap. of 3eremiah, i 5 verte. O Lord, thou knowefl, remember me, and vift me, and revenge me of my perfecutors ; take me not away in thy long faffering, now that for thy fake have Pilfered re&u`e. When you flitter for your Intl iakr, for your owne pa . on, you tutfer thefe things for your owne wick - ednefte ; but when -it 'is for the Lords fake , then you cm goe with comfort ro prayer ; take heed that Chrift doe nor it.t1'er for your takes in that fence, namely, for your fin and wicked netie; is r: not enough that Chrift bath fuifered for your fakes in a meritorious way, tuWer for Cht'if'ts fake, but let not Chrift fuller for yours. To proceed to the ? z verfe.Pe`oyce, and be e read; ngglad, rejoyce and leape and skip for ;ay. In the 6 Chapter of L ke, and the i 3 verfe. Rejoyce ye in that day, and leape for joy, for behold, your reward is great it heaven ; for in the like manner did their fathers unto the Prophets .A matter of great joy thould be to the Saints, when they are reviled and pert cured for Chrifts fake, great joy, becaufe it is fuck a cleare evidence that they are in Chrifts way, that they are Chrifts,and that they are entred farre in>o hat way that they are come to be fufferers fo him, re o-; ce in that, thofe good things you doe,it is good to you, but not 10 much as in futtering, the Spirit of God and glory refis on you,-when you are reviled. i Peter 4 Chap.- a4. vet-, e. I f yee be reproached for the name of Chrifi, happy are yee, for the Spirt of glory and of God refleth on you : :in' their part he is evil' fpoken f but on your part he rs glorified .Thát for the peo- ple of c;od, it is not enough for them to be patient in fuffer- ing, but to be reproached. Mofes accounted the reproaches for Chrift, greater riches then the treafures of Egypt. Perfecuti- ons for Chritt to a true gracious heart, they are riches to him, therefore rettoyce. Fi f}, How shall I reioyce, for it is an affli&ion, If any be arLled let h'm pray. I confeffe whoa Our a4li &ion conies as chaftitement for fin, then mourning is called for, but I never find that the Scripture doth call for mourning from the Saints' that fuffer in the caufe of Chrift, though it is a g "eat evill m it felfe, yet never calls for mourning, what other aff iaions God Hhhh may