Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

Saints fhould re;éyce is Ferfeea;taan,. '603 , a gracious heart will never limit himfelfe in any duty, but he muf} -}gut it felfe into an infinite ocean of fervice for God, the expeaation which fuch a foule bath from God,it is beyond all finite good whatfoever, therefore faith Chrift, great is your reward ; he doth not name any particular reward. Againe, Great ú your reward in heaven ;it may be you fluff meet no reward here on earth, as long as you live on the' earth, you (hall be reviled andperfecuted, here will never be an end of'this,'it maybe 'all your life time will be fpent, ands* therefore look for your reward higher. If I were perfecuted by force; and honoured by others, I did not much care, but it maybe,you fhall be reviled by the wicked, and difcountenán- ced by the gódly,fo that you (hail have no reward at all here on earth, but you are to expo é it hereafter. I confefle the Lord fomerimes is pleated to reward them here on earth,that is, by honouring of them in the confciences of thole that did revile them, well, but if it should not be fo,if you fhould have , nothing here, yod mull wane for it till you. come to heaven, thereto have that full reward ; and the Saints are willing fo to doe, they are willing to flay for all their reward till they come to heaven ; we fee fuch a reallity and certainty and glo- ry in the things of heaven, that we are willing to, flay, and,that will make amends for all when it cones ; there is no carnali heart willing to tliy,but they mull have fomewhat for the pre- Tent in hand,bnt for the tiaymg for that afterward they cannot doe it , they have not eyes to peirce the heaven, to fee be- yond thevale, what is this ? It is faid in the a Pet, r Chap. 9. verfe. But he that lacketh theft things is blind, and canna fee afar of, and bath forgotten that he was purged from his old pones. Wicked men are purblind, they can fee things that are juts before them, but they cannot fee afar off, but they cannot fee heaven, but they look on the things of the earth as realli- ties ; but the Saints look on the things of the earth as vaine things, and empty things, and they, lo-)k on the thin; of hea- ven as reallity ; the men of the World they trade with God for finall things as it were, they mull have con.entmen of the ffle(h for the prefent for totlaayy their carnall'hearts,neither doe