49. Evidences ef the Saints great reward in heaven, they know what they are, for they trade but, for little with.. God but now the Saints they trade with God for eternitie, for glory, for a Kingdom;., and for a Crowne, and they are willing to Pray till afterward, they care not what becomes of them here, fo they have the kngdoine of heaven hereafter there's difference between the service that God bath in the world from men,the Lord bath forte that doe him fervice;and they muff have preent pay, faithGod , you thall have it, and ,that is your portion, when he hash given thee force outward. contentment in the world, that is all. you are like to have for- ever ; but the Saints of God, they doe not Rand for what they f7 gal have, but they, doe any fervice for him, he !hall have all. that they can doe, they are refolved to ferve hire what ever, comes of it, though they have not that prefent pay that others. . have in the world, yet great is their reward inheaven,the re- ward in- heaven is great, a great reward. l'fal, 57. 2 verfe,. Tower from on high, that is, a glorious power, a great power. The 25 Chap. of Jeremiah 3 verfe. Surely there is 4 reward, for the rrghteow ; what ever they meete with here,furely there is a reward in heaven. 119 Pfal, the 89 verfe. For ever O, Lord, thy word ferled in heaven : there is _certainl.y -a reward Evidences of for the Saints. One evidence that there muff be a great reward: a great reward is this, That from the beginning of the world to this day they ip heaven, have fuffered fo much on Earth, that he mull have fome time to.commtmicate his infinite treafures, and that vifibly too certainly, the power of God willbe in a kind anfwering to his. grace and mercy to work mightily, to manifef} the infinite ri- ches of his grace in rewarding. Therefore there is a.reward for the Saints, and above all for the fuffering Saints. Secondly , There muf} needs be a great reward in heaven for them, becaufe the Lord gives the greater} portion of they earth to,the wicked,even to the dogs;There are higher things for the Saints, if the earth be fo excellent that he gives to his enensies,what bath he for his ovine Saints, thole that are .deer to him,his Children that fuWer for him ! When we look on this world, when we fee what a Cato, id it.hath,. and befpangled with flz}rres, and fee the glory of the earth, and the riches thereof,