Evidence's of the Saints great 'reward in heaven, dó thereof, and confider whole portion this is , even the portion of the enemies of God , a portion of thofe. that God hates ; The whole ttrk, f h Empire is but a Crum,that the 444er of the Luther, Fan'ly cafis to his Dog; Surely then what fhall the Saints. have ! .Therefore wh_n you fee the wicked profiler, reafon . after this manner ,, Is it fo indeed, that wicked men have fo much here, then what (hail Saints have, thofe that suffer for him. Thirdly , A third Demonflration is this, The hopes of the Saints here are railed unto, and that by the holy-Ghofr, their hopes for great thing§ mutt not vanith, becaufe they-are raifed by the power of the holy (Aloft. The z.5 Chap. of the Romans 13 verfe, Now the God, o f hope, fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound tñ hope, through the power of the holy ÇJ o fl, The hopes of the Saints are railed, by whom ? by God, and by the power of the holy Ghofl. If God will let . himfelfe on work; to raife hopes, and the holy Ghofl will let himfelfe toraif ., up their hopes, furely then they mull not be, light hopes, furely the obje& of their hopes is very great, be- caufe it is the glory of God, and the glory of the holy Ghof}_ that raifeth up their hopes ; furely they are glorious hopes Your great men, Captaines and Princes, if they tivi11 take a f}ile,a title for themfelves from any thing,they have fome high eLeeme of it. The hopes of theSaints are fuch things as God takes a title from them,; he is the God of their hopes ; furely. their reward muff be a glorious reward, that they doe thuil, . slope for. --- Fourthly , The fourth Demonflration is this, it muff needs be a great reward, becaufe it was that that was prepared for . thembefore the foundation of the wo :ld was laid; God from all erernitie bath been prepng glory for his people ; furely that worke ofGod that he bath been preparing from all, eter - nitie will be very glorious. -- Fifthly, A fth Demonflration is this, That it is a great re- ward you have, becanfe when ever . it comes, it comes unto the. Saints to that end , that God may declare unto men and An- gelis, what his infinite power is able to raife a creature too,