Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

`6o6 Evidences of the Saints great reward in heaven. and what his infinite mercy is able to bellow upon a creature, wee are chofen to the praife of his rich and glorious grace ; if this be Gods end in chuffing us , that he might manifell what the power of his grace is and what the power of his grace means, here is that reward, for you,to what an height an infinite God is able to raife poore creatures to ; Great is your reward in heaven. Sixt hay , It muff be a great reward, 'becaufe it is that lijé wife that is the fruit of the purchafe of the blood of Chrifl, that cofl fo deare,that mid be of as great value and worth that the blood of Chrifl deferved. As fin is to all eremitic crying for more and more wrath to God, becaufe fin deferves more, To the merit ofChrifl, if thou hall not to the utmoft capacity that fuch a creature is capable of, the merit of Chrifl will cry for thee, and is not here enough to encourage us in'fferin4, fuch a reward as Chrifl is gone before to pyepare,30'h -i 4: Chap. It is one end of his Afcenfion into heaven , there to make all things fit for his Saints and Difciples againfl they come. If you will aske me what it is, what, fhould I tell'you of the bleffed vifion of God, the enjoyment of God, commu- nion with God, communion with the lather, Sonne, and holy . Ghefl. The Scripture tells but little of the glory of the foule, becaufe it would have us to argue our felves from that which is more fenfible ; for if the Scripture tell us that the body (hall Thine as the Sunne in the Firmament.then what (hall the foule ? the foule is capable of communion with God; o put you to mind of this, that every time when you fuffer any thing, you a& your faith on that glorious reward ; Bleff ed areye when ye [seer for righteoufnef "e fake, and when men rev; le you ;for great is your reward. In the to verfe ; Blefed are they which are perfecuted for rig hte0ufneff e ja : and in the i i verle; the perfon is changed ; what is the reafon the perfon is changed ? Pirfl, Blef ed are they, and then Ref ed are ye ; the reafon is be- caufe Chrifl would feeme to dire& himfelfe unto thofe Difci- ples that he fent abroad to preach the Gofpel; As he had fpoke to all thòfe that (heuld profeffe the Gofpel ; Bleffed are they that fuf er for ris.hteeaafnef e ; fo Bided are ye. Obferve