Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

why Mini fient muß expell to fn fer f from the world. 607 Obferve hence. That the Mnnifters of the Gofpel are to expe.b s fhare of fuf- ` fering from the evill and wicked world. I fend you, faith he, as fheepe among Wolves ; the Minitlers of the Gofpel doe more immediately tight againft the Kingdome. of Sathan then any people of the world. It is a very` ltrange expreffion that we have in the 17 Chap. of fohn,the i4 verfe. And have given them thy word, and the world hash hated them,. becaufe they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world,. Prefently after the giving of the word, the world hates them, the more they have of the word of truth, the more the world hates them. You know what Clari(t faith concerning Paul in- his 'converfion, in the 9 Chap. Ades, i s & 16 verles. But the' Lord faid unto him, Goe thy way.; for he is a chofen veff el canto me, to beare my name before the Gentiles, and Kings, and the Children of Ifrael ; For I will thew him how great things he mug Apr for my names fake. If he goes to beare the name of Ch ift,,. then he mull fuffer great things. -- -- Secondly , The Mmtflers of the Gofpel in regard of their place,they are mère in view and in mens eyes,then other mem are ; let them look to themfelves, they are in the eyes of eve- ry man ; they are the white that all men (hoot at.-- Thirdly , The Miiflers of the Gofpel have no weapons to defend themfelves withall, but fpiiituall-; A Magiftrate can- defend himfelfe, for he hath the fword ; but a Mintier can- not. -- And the Minifters of the Gofpel, they fet themfelves: againft men; lulls, againfl their beloved lufts; let a Minifter come and preach to them in force generali way , and never come to4lrike home to their lull, then all is well ; but if trey firike it home to their lull, they cannot beare that, then they mull revile him. Fourthly, The Devils knows that he can doe no more mif- chiefe then tto keep the name of Miniflers downe, and to take their efleeme off from the people ; Indeed for fuch and fuch particulars, he (hall not fo prevaile in a great while, fo much as he can any way make the Miniflers vile, to fpeak any thing