6oS nifl'ory of the Prophets Júferings, evil of them.Now let us take notice of this evil world , when even the Minifters of God that are the greateft ble l:ng in the world , in that they come in the "name of Chrift to open the treafure and riches of the grace of God in that blef- fed Covenant , and fhould be accepted as Angels of the Dei- ty in refpea of their mef age, yet this wicked world , their hearts are again(} no people fo much as againft them. It lhould be a rule to Mintfters to walk ci: cumtpectly that there be no matter found in them of objecfioii againi t them. Lally, Labor to uphold that true honor that Chriíl hash fent you to do in he Miniftery of the Gofpel ; you kn w how careful and tender Jefus Chrift is of the Honor and e- fteem of his Minifters , therefore that you mutt not receive an accufation again(} an Elder without two or th-ee wt neiles; you muff be to far from thinking tt to be true, not fo much as telling it up and down,unlefs you have two or three wirnetfes, and fo all that are godly should fer them elves what po:fibly they can to uphold the honor of faithful MiniPers, to have a tender care and efteem of their credit, and beat dovn all things that may prejudice them. Fcr foperfecuted they the Prophets. Iris no fttange thing that you meet ávii al , neither is it a luew thing that you meet wi.hal ; you meet wish perfecurion and reviling , why account it no firange thing, as Peer fpeaks about the fiery tryal. Here confider three particulars. Firft, the hiflory how all the Prophets, from time to time have met with perfecuti- on, efpecially the Minifters of God, he doth not fay fo did they to the Saints , but to the Prophets. The fecond thing fhould have been to (hewyot wherein lyes the power of the argument, That you fhould re ayce and be glad, becaufe the Pro hets were fo perfecuted. And Thirdly, what efe it is that we should make, in that the Prophets futfred fo much. Firft, How the Prophets from time to time did fuffer fo much