Hiftory of the Prophets Jufferings, Itiueh hardfhip, if we begin with Abraham you know what he fuffered, and afterward Ifaac what he fuffered, and Mofes what reproach he fuffered, in the i i of the Hebrews, and of David if you read the 35 Pfaim and the t5 verf, But in mine adverfity they rejoyced, and gathered themfelves together : yea, , 12 the (or as it is in the Hebrew, The (miters) gathered (it themfelves together, againft me, and I knew it not , they did tear a2 me, and coifed not , and of the Church , in the 79 Pfalm and 4 verf. We are become a reproach to our neighbors , a fcorn and deriflan to them that are round about ut. You may read of job how he was called by the bafeil of people. In the 16 chap. 9, io. verfes, He teareth me in his wrath, who hateth me, he .gnafheth upon me with his teeth, mine enemy fharpeneth his eyes upon me. They have gaped uponme with their month, they have fìnitten ime upon the cheek reproachfully , they have gathered t emfelves togethr' againft me. And Nehemiah z ch. i 9. verfe, But when Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the fervant the ' Ammanite, and Gefhem the Arabia: heard it , they laughed its fc "ërn, and defpi fed its, and Paid, rebat is this thing that you do? will ye rebel againft the King? And ;4f the Prophet Ifaiah 28. ch. i 3. verfe. But the word of the Lord was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept, fine open' line, line upon fine, herea little and there a little, that they might go gnd fall back ward,and be broken, and feared , and taken. There is the fcorn that the Prophet fuffered even in regard of his Minifiry : It is Paid that he was fawn afunder, and for hi MinifIry he fuf- f :red fcorn ; the Hebrew word in the found of them Chews a kind of fcorn that they did de unto the Prophets here in (peaking to them, they fcorned him though he was an high Prophet ; you may read of Ez,ek el and Jeremiah how they fuffered. The fame thing that Ch"rif Paid of the Prophets in all ages, maybe faid.of the Apoftles and Martyrs and chief reformers in former times , ye fuffered ; Thofe that have been mofheminent in work of reformation , they have fuffer- ed fcorn, contempt and reviling. 7urtulhan tells of the Chrifians in his t' 'e, that they were called the publike ene- Taiunian in kbf macs to the State , iat they met together in the night,liledApo! y.