Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

I -Wiory of the Prophets füferings, blew out candles , and committed all uncIeannef as and worfhipped an AfIes head , fcorning at the Chriflians,for a company of fooliíh people ; and Chr fofro ne was banished by the Emprefs And much scorn' was c d }í on him. Atiffine,whac revilings was coif} on him in his rime! When I fpoke of -the pòint of pet-fecution of the hifciples , I :`Hewed what their fui}'erings Was in particular, but I referred this till now, what bath been call on mòf} eniiiient Chriltians that arethe moil re- forniers Of Religion : Nov Calvin that was the famous flrumen: of good-for the Church of God , forme fay of him that he was eaten up -with worms,and fome fay he called onthe Devil, though he was a fweet -man and had a gracious and comfortable death. And for Beza they object againf} him that he ddiired 1Lordfhip,and they accufe him tote a froward man and of an 'implacable fpirit, and herein they do verele that they do fpeak all manner Of evil ; it is rel orred that Beza did live without any gá11, becaufe he was to quiet tint they could never fee him provoked , although the enemies would provoke him with a molt violent fpirit , yet he was as quiet as if he had been a man without a gall , to chew you how it hath been the way of evil men to ftrive with thofe that any way have been inflruments of good and reformation, and did feek it with the mot} earnefnefs and; zeal in Qaeen Eli - zabeths days I mean Thole that fet themfelves ar:airìfi Pre- lacy, its known how the Bishops ufed them. Th 'refore do, not think your names more precious then their names, and why fhould you think to go eafier to heaven then they ? why fhould you think that God fhould : rather favour you then them ? and look back and reniernber that there is the fame fpirit of darknefs flill'prevailing AS ever did , therefore keep your hearts clofe to God and Chriff; and befure you futfer -no- thing but for Chrifis fake, for then, re;dceand be'exceedifng glad , for great is your reward in heaven, for fo perfecuted they the.Prophéts which were'before you: SERMON,