Some arguments fer the helping of fthe Saints to fir. ff'er. Firfi to thew the hiflory how all the Prophets , Difciples and the Saints that have gone before have fuffered great and hard things. Secondly, wherein the Argument lies of rejoycing under perfecution. Thirdly, what tire we are to make of the perfecution of the Prophets. I could handle but the firfi ; To proceed to the fecond;Wherein lies the power of this Argument; There is a tivefoldfirength in this argunnenr,or rather five:arguments in it. Fitt}, The faine fpirit of wickednefs that oppofed them doth Rill prevail, and it is the fame fpirit of truth that is op- pofed, you fee you are oppofed , why it is but the old fpirit of Sathan, that fpirit of wickednefs that hath appeared here - tofore, it is that that appears againf} you. Secondly, Hence you may fee that thofe that are dear and precious to God , that they may fuffer hard things, :: you will n-x fay but that the Prophets were beloved of God , and yet they fuffered as much as you, contemned as muchas you, re- viled as much as you therefore be not troubled at,it, but re .joyce and., 'glad. Thirdly, If fo be God 4lould deal with yo'u otherwife then he did formerly With others, then it might "difcourage you, but they are no other things then his fervants heretofore.have fuffered ; God will lead you to heaven in the 'Caine path that: hehath led his fervants heretofore. Fourthly, It is;Àhe way that God ha,tJhpbrpugbt áll `his fen...- vants into heaven by : Why fhould you think that God will bring you in a better way then he did others ? for fo fuffered the Prophets' the very Prophets fuffered fuch things, and then what is your flelhbetter then theirs ? "What are your names better then theirs.? It is a moll intollerable thing that we that are fo vile and mean , and do. fo little fervice , that we iñould think it much to do any Gods caufe, that thole that have been better then we have fuffered more then- ever- we did. The fifth Argument is this , That though the P. op'lers havefurfered fuch things, yet the truth of God prevails; We fay