Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

vfes we are to make ó f tJ c f s f ferings of former Sams. fay if they be imprifoned and perfecuted , what will become of Gods truth ? do not take fo much- care for that, for all the Prophets fuffered , and did not God preferve his truth ? were nor they made inflruments of good for all their fix %ring? they were made inftruments of the greatell good : put tilde five confiderations together, andyou fee the force of the Ar- gurpolt. 'hat Ufes we are to nuke of thofe that went before 6i3 us. Firfl,If fo be that chore that were the moll eminent fer- t ttfe of rx vants of God have fuffered fuch hard things , then if we be in mina iion.. a profperous eflate and called to fufer but little, we are to examine whether our profperity be with the love of God or no, doth God fend us pro,perity in love ? they that were moEl beloved of him they did not enjoy their eafe and con- tentment as we do, therefore we had need examine our felves to fea whether that we do enjoy be with Gods love or no, ma- ny think that God loves them moll becaufe they have moil. Oh no, if fo.be-God deals not with you as he bath done with other Saints, you had need examine how you do enjoy that , methinks any man that lives in a high efface , and hach-all cafe tinto his flesh , either when he reads of oth t of the precie ous Saints of God, and he is convinced in his colfcience that they have done more fervice for God in one week, then he bath done in a whole yeer Both God love me more them them ? it may be this is my portion , this is all that I am Like to have.. The fecond tile we should make of this, is, Were the Pro- 2 tiîta phets called to fuffer in former time ? the lefs we are called to patfwe obedience , let us he more in ac`&ive obedience;; The very hearing of what the Prophets have fuffered in for- mer time; it would make your heart to ake, 4-you read the book of Martyrs, it would be very ufe ul.: I shall only labor to make this ufe of it when you hear of their. fufhering,think thus with your felves, God called them to futfer in a palf;ve way, hence they fuffered what rage and tortures wicked men could devife, God doth not call me tofuffer in a way of fuch