6 t4 vf s we are to yrmkc of the firj`fcrrngs o f f¢rxner Saints, fearful evil, furelyGod mule have the glory of myf}rength,rhen let me fpend it inrp, ay ing, honoring, and worthiping God as Others did in aithrtng torments from wicked men, -and feeing we ewe u-n:o ,: od the glory of our mites, the glory of our {tates,the glory of our lives ;chat if od wit no rak if ii-iaway of fuffering s then we fl.aould give it to him freely in ways of fervice; they lay on the cold earth in prifon, think thus with yöu't felves; when you are about any CeNice, 'in prayer, read; in, and hearing, and it begins to be painful ro the fleth, why !hall I then leave off the fervice of God, because my-fleih is pained; what did the Martyrs futfer in the fieih ? it is a fhame unto you for to leave off the fervice of God becaufe it is pain - ful to the Hells. Thirdly, When we confider of thefufferings of thole that went before-us, it should be a Means to make us abate alit - ,.tle of the contentment of fatisfying the flesh , th iugh we -.abundance whereby to Catisae the fief #i, why -let usahá-e a lit - tle of -ir. We read that many times the Prophets, and Ma.- tyrs they wanted bread and neceflary things, and shad -1 abul'e the creatures of God to excels ; and the Prophers in Ahab.; -time were content with bread and water, and-dial! 'l he ex- eeffive in -meat & drink, You that fpend whole nights in ch:ur 'beringand wanronnei , drunkenn_fs, gluttony , fùrf icine, rind wafting the creatureq; an i all your delight is for the fleth,ind all your care is to give contentment to the fielh 'in fatis- fyieg your lulls. Oh check your hurts in thefe'wiys., The fourth istitis, it is to prepare for fuffering, we are not how' for -the prefent called to futfer, but let us not be-fecure, let us not conclude that we !hall always enjoy that peace'we nowv 'enjoy:; the Prophets fuffere 1' hard' things, and let its thin; to meet with the fame, The fifth and liifl ufe is this, Surely God hash been 'little beholden to the world from all ages, for any maintenance of hss t> úth, forthe world hadirhewne it felfe a wicked-World in -teriec .ititig,and tormenting his Saints and Prophets,an'd there- fore the Lord is little beholding to this world, and the wvo °id ;hathlet.it felfe againft God, and theréfore Theref it will nest' be long before