;,he-blefébreffi and nfefi2lrlefë of f"ifering Saints. before the Lord`breakes this finfull world in peeces. Thus -Wee have done with that part of Chrtlis Sermon, the Beatitudes, the feverall bleffmgs thatChriíi layes down upon the Saints doing their duties. Verf. 13. re are the fait of the earth. Here begins plainly a new matter. Firf+, he teals -his Difci- pies of Bleflednefte, they shall come to fee their own bl ffed- neffe, and having fhewne therm their bieffedneffe, that what ever the world thought of them, yet in the eyes of God-they are blefied creatures ; and now he tells them what fervice they muff doe in the world, which indeed is a great part of bleifednei e too. From the coherence note, ( that thole men (3r, erv tró that God (hall put into an efiate of bleffedneife, they are 4ìt the ooheret« she worst men, and may be very inftrunientali to doe.greit fervice for of s, his names fake ) when once the foule is fatis!;ed in this th Lord bath beenmercifull to me, and God hart] call a favoura- ble look upon Me, the Lord bath put me into a frame -and'con- ditionofbleffedneffe, let the world doe what -they can-doe ro me, they cannot take bl'effednelle away from me. Oh how $t this man is to doe the fervice of Laid l -And iii the words following, you have the greatell fervice that the Apo(les were called too in the world. -- Secondly, re are the light of the world : 3r follows wore efpecially from what Chriil told them of perfecution,you alai fuffer fo much, I and-be willing to fuffer -why ? for you -are called to the greatell works that ever God called any men to, let men fpeak t-hat'.they hill, revile what they will, certainly God will reward you ; ye.are'the fait of the-earth, and the . light of the world, and if you íhould flirt afide for feare- of fuffering; what will become of things then ? andindeed the confideration of mens imployment in the world, is a great' and .a f}rong argument tó carry men thorough what difhculcie fo- ever, let me goe ón 'in the worke. 'As -if a Géner!all' i'h uld come to Ionic Officers'in the Army, and tell :them the lbatrell `conies fore on them, therefore keep your Banding, for the foiFe