Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

6 r 6 Reafons why this verfe belongs to Chriftians as we :! as Apoftles,- wellfare of the whole Army depends on you, nay, the wellfare- of the whole Kingdome depends on you ; thiswill pur courage into any man of the world, when he knoweth the great thing which depend on him. Now, faith Chria, what if you be per- fecuted, goe on in your wayes ; for ye are the fait of the earth, ye are the light of the world, therefore goe on. re are the fait of the earth. I confeife that almoll all Interpreters doe carry thefe words, as to the Difciples, to the Apoftles, thofe that were fent to preach unto others , ye are the fait of the earth, but all doe not goe that way. One learned Interpreter faith, I doe not fee fufficient caufe to reflraine thefe things meerely to the Apofiles ; and he gives two reafons for it, why it doth belong to Chriflians as well as to the Apoflies. Firll , Saith he , all the former words belong generally to all Chriflians, as poore in fpirit, they that mourne, the meeke, they which do hunger and thirfl after righteoufnefle, the mer- cifull, the pure in heart, the peace makers, and they which are perfecuted and reviled. All thefe belong not onely CO the Apoflles , but to all Chriflians ; and why not this as well as the former ? Secondly, The fecond reafon is this, That that follows in the i 6 verfe, belongs to Chriflians , as appears from the a Chap. of Phil. r 5 verle. That ye may be blameleffe and harm - !e ff e, t)i&, tons of God without rebuke yr the midit of a crooked and perverfe nation ; among whom ye chine as lights in the world; Ton are thofe that are the lights, that are fhrnrng in the world. Thirdly, And a third reafon is in the latter parr of this r 3 verfe. But if the falt have loft his favour, wherewith fhall it be palled , it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be call out, and to be troden under -foot of men. Chrifl apparently (peaks to the multitude. In the al. Chap. of Luk.!, 25. 34 verfes, compare them together. and there went great multitudes with him, andhe turned and faid unto them: Salt is good, but if the fait have loft his favour , wherewith fhall it befeafoned. Therefore faith thislearned Interpreter, both former and latter belongs o Chriflians ; ye are then the fait of the earth. Firfl,