/i Defcription of the nature offish an ärilufi9n to tlid GÓfé1. 6y 9 vour of the thing ; it is fait that favoureth every thing almoff that we have ufe for ; As if Chrift should fay , Mens hearts naturally are very uunfavory, though they have excellent parts, yet how unfavory are their fpeeches ani actions ? fo that come to places where there was never any preaching of the Gofpel heard of ; how unfavory will you find the limits of people that know little of God ? A gracious man cannot endure to tarry long amongtt them; and the unfavorineffe of their hearts doth make all their duties to be unfavory, what ever duties they perforate to God, there is nothing but unfavorinetle in them, it is as unfavory meate to you, that all people that live without the Gofpel, that have not the Gofpel prevailing on their hearts , all the duties that they performe are as unfavo- ry toGod, as unfavory m=ate is to you ; Now, faith Chriff, you (hall go.: and preach the Gofpel, to make their hearts fa- vory,and then they (hall be acceptable to God,the duties they perforate fhall be favory unto God,their company fhall be fa- 'vory to the Saints : whereas now a man or woman that had not -the Gofpel prevailing on their hearts, When he came into the company of the Saints, then he could not favour them ; but now when the Gofpel comes to him , then he can favour their difcourfe, he can pray favorily , and doe other duties with favour. Matth: 16 Chap. 2 3 verle. But he turned and fail unto Peter, Get thee behind me , Satan, thou art an offence unto me ; for thou favouref not the things that be of God, but thofe that be of men. Come and propound the molt excellent nt and glorious truths of God in the Gofpel, yet they favour them, their hearts being unfavory they cannot favour the things of God. Romans 8 C happ. about the beginning. fit*. For they that are after the ie(li, Men before the Gof,e1 comes have unfavory fpirits, but when the Miniftery of the ofpel comes amongff them, then they (hall favour things in another manner, then ever they have done. Thirdly , Ye are the fait of the earth ; fait it keens from putrifa&i ^n, and nreferves ; and that is the realon of that ex- preGlionwe have in the i_8.Chap. of Numbers , the 19 vel! Kkkk s