Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

Defcription of the nature of fait in allufionto the Gofpel, meate, that rots and putrififies, and will certainly perish ; this is the condition of.the whole world now when the doetrine- comes, it keeps the hearts from putrifying, from rotting ; it is called the wholfome word,becaufe it keeps their hearts what fome , ye are the fait of the earth, to keep from putrifaotion, that ye ihail not be unwhollome in your lives,.and fo to pre ferve your foules, that you (hall not be untweete and unavo- ry for the Lord ; and put tilde three together, then you may come.to undertland the meaning of that Scripture where you, Mall find that there is a rule given that every facrifice that, was offered up to God it was taped ; a Leviticus 13 verfe. e./4nd every oblation of thy meate-offering (halt thou feafon with fait, neither (halt thou Pifer the fait of the Covenant of thy God to be lacking from thy meate-o ff fering,w,th all thine offerings thou fkalr offer fait. You thinke there is little in this exprellìon, againe and againe, there is argued that fait muff be offered in every facrifice, all mull have fait, let the offering be what it _will, of meate-offerings, .oyle- offerings, offerings of loure, every facrifice mutt have fair. Merlu Chap. latter end of it. Have fait in your [elves, and have, peace one with. another., That every facrifice mull be faked with fait, the meaning_ is this, what ever facri'ilce you will offer to God, be it your felves ; I omans i a Chapter firíl verfe. I befeech you therefore Brethren., by themercies of God, that ye prefent your bodies a living facrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is . your reafonable .fervice. There mutt be fait in it!, fpirituall things in the foule, there mull be a favoury fpirit, that i favory unto God, and dots favour the things of God, and then there mull be a fpirit that is not corrupt or putrified fuch an one when he offers up himfelf to God,is an acceptable facrifice to hitn , and in your duties to trod there mull be a favorinefs in them, and no mixture of your own corruptions in your duties ," but then becaufe this Scripture having named it . feems hard, I defire to open it to you, from whence is it that Christ here faith, That every one fhould be fatted with fire ? before you find that Chril is preaching the Do &rive of mor- tification, mortifying_our clearell lulls ; what dependance is here, , 82I