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to god in Worfhip. the Lord bath not fpurn'd us out ofhis fight as filth, and calf us out as an everlafting abhorring, while others have been praying we might have beenyellingunder the wrath of the eternal God; Come with this apprehenfion of thy fell, and adore Gods goodnefs, that thou art alive to pray, and alive to hear Gods Word. And that it is not only a Duty, but a richpriviledg and mercy that God will admit of thee to come into His pre_ fence. Again, it is the goodnefs ' of God, that He will vouchfafe to look upon the things that are done in Heaven, then if the Lord doth humble Himfelf to behold the things that are done in Heaven, Then how doth the Lord humble Himfelf tobehold mea poor vile Captive as I am in my flef ; and yet that God fhould not onlybeholdme before Him, but invite me to come into His pretence ; VVhat mercy and goodnefs is this I 2. Our hearts muff be taken of from the thoughts and ap-- prehenfions ofall excellencies in our felves ; we mnft not come in the prideof our hearts, becaufe we have abilities more than others, what do all thy parts commend thee to God ? thou haft ability in expreffing ofthy felt in Prayer : why, do thy parts commend thee toGod ? VVhatever is natural! inany of our du- ties is nothing toGod, only that which is from his own Spirit, and therefore thou fhouldeft come in chine own thoughts as vile as if thou hadft no parts and abilities at all. Lay afide all fuch apprebenfions of thy fell, for the truth is, force poor bro.. ken hearted finner that can but fighout a ew groans to God, and is not able to Peak tw or three together in a rig c anguage, but on yb athout his Soul to God, may be a G thoufand thoufand times more acceptable to God than thou that arc able to to make great Orations when thoucornett before Rim. 3. Thoumuft come without any righteoufnefs of thy own,, thou mull never come to Gods pretence but as a poor worm ; and it there be any ditteretiCFEat is made between thee and o- thers in out ward refpefts, it is nothing to thee : when thou art in the pretence of God,thou arcas a bale vile worm, though thou beeft a Prince, or Emperor. 4. Thy heart mutt be taken off-from, what thou <doeff If thou.i