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104 The right manner ofdrawing h 4P4444P';!.'44'4444441.?...4446$464-20 42. 444 stP. 474714*414411445016+4104440.:44444444.444 SERMON WI. Leviticus, io. 3. Twine Sanifified in them that come nisbme. 44M41, E E are coming now to the conclufion of this great Argument, of finally ing Gods Name in holy du- W. ties for the general. God expeas chat we thould all inour drawings neer to Him in the duties of A worfliip, fanetifie His Name. Now we areAconfider ofdivers Reafons why God will be Sandified in all the duties of His wor- fhip. T. The firft Reafon is this, It is the very Nature of God to Will Himfelf the laft end, and all ()the; things to work fum- ble to the liftingup of Himfelf as the laft end : (.1 fay ) it is as effential to Him as any thing, for Him to will Himfelf as the higheft end, and that 'all things fhould work fo as to be futa- ble unto that Glory of His for the furtherance of it : God fhould ceafe tobe God, iffo be He thould not will Himfelf as the higheft end, and fo will that all things that have any 14- ing ihould Come Way or other work for Himfelf : This is the very nature of God. It is that which I conceive the very nature of Gods Holinefs confiIts in, thewilling Himfelfas the laft end and fo towork all things as futable unto His own infinite Excel- Ivry. Now as this is Gods holinefs, fo it is the holinefs that God requires in His creatures (that are capable ofholinefs) that they fhould will him as the 'aft end, and all things futable to that infinite Excellency of His. Now if this be the nature of God,and this be His holinefs, then certainly it muff needs be a neceffary duty in all thofe that would have communion with God and would honor God,to wil as God himfelfcloth will,that is that all things fhould work finable to the infinite Excellency of god, that God may attain the glory of His infinite Excellency, and-°t-his makes it to be a neceirarie dutie, that when we come to Worfhip Him we thould Santifie His