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to God in Worfhip o7 of their hearts whereby they did Untie the Name of God in holyduti,3, andupon this it is that they have left off. This I dare fay, That there was never any foul that did know what it was to fandfie Gods Name in worfhip, that ever was weary ofworfhiping God. It may be fame of you may fay, We have hard that there is much required in fandifying Gods Name in duties, and that is the only way to weary the foul, and to make it fall off ; no, ( as we faid the laft day ) there is not any one thing thathash been opened for the fanaifying of Gods Name in duties chat a- ny gracious heart can tell how to mils, and the more we do fandifie His Name, themore we than be in love with worfb ip For it is from hence that thofe that fandifie Gods Name in wor- fhipwill hold out, becaufe they will find the fweecnefs of wor- fhip, they will meet with God in holy duties, and fo they come to be encouraged in worfhip, but as for others who do worth ip God in a formal way, their warfhip will prove to be tedious to them, for they perforrne the duties, but do not find God in the duties in chat fpiritual way as the Saints do ; If they chink they meet with God, it is but an imagination rather than any real meeting with him ; theydo not find the influence of God in their fouls in holy duties, fo as thofe do that fandifie Gods Name in holy duties ; here then you fee the B.eafonswhy we are to fanaifieGods name in holy duties. New thenfor the Application ofall this. I. Ifall this which you have be required of us for the fanetifying of Gods Name ; Hence we fee how little caufe we have to reit upon any duty of worfhip that we do perform, cer- tainly the duties of worth ip that we perform are no fuch things as are fit to be relied upon for life and for falvation, and yec for the molt part there is fcarce any thing that people have to reft upon, or to tender up to God for acceptation to eternal life but only their prayers, and their coming to hear, and recei- ving of the Communion, and fuch di ties that they perform this is al theyhave to tender up for life and for falvation ; per- haps they may fornetimes (peak ofChrift, but the truth is that which their hearts reft upon for acceptation to eternal life is this`. And is it but this ? Ic is a weak prop, a rotten reed that N