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The right manner oflanaifying the Name ofGod,trc. 16 i ....44414.444444.444:4444.447.4.49.44 ***********?****** SERMON VIII. Preached at Stepney, January 4. 1645. Levis. Io. 3. I will be SanEfified in them that come nighme. ...4$47E E have ( at you may remember) preached many Sermons upon that Point, Of Sanffifying the Warne got VV 41.4. of god in the 'Duties of his Worpip : Wehave fpo- 44.4s. ken unto thePoint in General, the laft day we fini- flied. I donot intend to look back to any thing that was faid,but we are to proceed to thew how the Name ofGod should be fan- eified in the particular Duties of his Worfhip. Now theDuties of Gods Worfhip, are efpecially thefe Three . The 'Hearing of the Word. z. qieceivingofth? Sacrament. 3. And 'Prayer. Other things come under Worfhip, but yet thefeare the three chiefDutiesofWorfhip ; and I intend to fpeak to al thefe three, and to thew howwe fhould fanaifie the Name of God in draw- ing nigh unto him, in the Word, Sacrament, and 'Prayer. We might chufe feveral Texts for all thefe, but they fal full within the General, and therefore it fhal be fufficient, for to ground the Sandifying of Gods Name in thefe Duties ofWOE'' thipupon this Text. If OfSandifying theName ofgod in the HearingoftheWords, ornatwhich we are to fpeak to this morning, it is theSanitig Eying ofthe Nameof god in thebearing ofhis Word; If you would have the ground of what we are to fay concerning this in a particular Scripture, you may have it in Lnke. 8. x8. Take