BooksPrinted by Peter Cole, Printer, &c. Thirty four Books of Nich. Culpeper, I Gent. Student in Pbyfick and ..4ftrologie, formerly publifbed. The 6rft Twenty four Books.Are all called the Praftice of Phyfick, Wherein is plainly fet forth,The Nature,Caufe,; Differences, and feveral forts ofSigns; Together with the Cure of al Difeafes in the Body of Man. Being a Tranfla- tion of the Works of that Learned and Renowned Do&or, LaKaroRilifYill4 now living; Councellor and Phyfitian to the prefent King of France. Above fifteen thoufand of the Paid Books in Latin have been fold 'in a very few Years,having been eight times printed, though al the former Impreffions wan- ted the Nature,Caufes,Signs,and Dif- ferences of the Difeafes, and had only the Medicines for thecure for them; as plainly appears by the Authors Epiftle. 25. A Sure Guide to Phyfick and Chyrurgery : That is to fay, TheArts of Healing by Medicine, and Manual Operation. Being'an Anatomical De- kription orthe whol bodyof Man,and itt parts,with their RefpeEtive difeafes, tiemonftratecl from the Fabrick and ufe of the Paid Parts. In Six Books of tranflated, and adorned with an hundred eighty four Figures cut in. Brafs. 26 Veflingus Anatomy ofthe Body of ahln,Wherein is exattly defcribed,the leveret Parts of the Body of Man, illu- ftrated with very many larger Brafs Plates than ever was in Englifh before. ATranflation of theNew di#en- fatory,made by the Colledg ofPhyfiii- ans of Landon. Whereunto it added The Key toGalena MethodofPbyJick. 28 The Eng* Phyfitian enlarged. being an Aftrologo-Pbyfical Dam* of the vulgar Herbs of this Nation ; wherein i3 fitevved how to cure a mans felf ofmoil Difeafes incident to Mans Body, with -filch things as grow in England, and for three pence charge. Alio in the fame Book is Mewed, The time of gathering al Herbs, both' Vulgarly and Aftrologically. z The way of drying, and keeping them and their Juyces. 3 The way of making and keeping al manner of ufefut Compounds, made of thofe Herbs. The way of mixing the Me- dicines according to the Cade, and. Mixture of the Difeafe, and the part of the Body affliEted. 29 A 7;4rdtoryfor Midwives, Or a Guide for Women. Newly enlarged by the Author in every fheet, and illu- itiated with divers new Plates. 3o Galens Art ofPhyfick, with a large Comment. 3 t NewMethod both of studying and praetifing Phyfick. 3 a ATreadle of the Rickets, being A Difeafe common to Children wherein is fhewcd, t The Effence, 2. The Caufes, 3 The Signs :4 The Remedies of the Difeafe : Publifhed in Latin by Dc. Gliron, Dr. Bates and Dr. Regemorter, tranflated into Englifh, And corretted by N. Cul-, peper. 33 Medicaments for the Poor, Or Phyfick for the Common People. 44 Health for the Rich and Poor; by Dyet without Phyfick, The.London Difpertfatoy in Iloilo, of a large Charatter in Latine. The London Difpenfatory in twelves, a fmal Pocket nook in Latine.