Name of god in bearina his o R D. 1 79 therewere no reality in fuch things that havebeen fpoken to me. There be other things which may further help us towards belee- vingof the Wordof God, but thefe Thal fuffice : Andcertainly my Brethren, til we come to this, to beleeve the word, though we thould fit under k many yeers, it will do us littlegood , and we awl never fanefifie the Name of God in the hearing of it. SERMON IX. Preached at Stepney, Jan. ri. 16+5. 'Levis: ro. 3. Iwill be SanEfified in them that come nigh nte. dip+910+4, H E next thing for the right behavior of the foul for 44. T.: fantlifying Gods Name, is this : We mutt receive 4, .theword with meeknefs of fpirit : that you have in 4,41'4 444. Jam. I 2r. Wherfore layapart all filthineg, and ,perfluity of naughtineff, and receive with meek.neff the ingrafted , word which is able to reeve your foul!. fReceiTe withmeet nefs The former parikof this Scripture I confers concerns fomwhat that was beforeiabout the preparation of the foul,and we that perhaps afterwards in the Application come toopen the former part of this verfe, Layapart alAlthinefs,andfuperliuityofnaughtineff (but only now we quote the place for this) Qlecetve with meek nefs the ingrafted Word, which is able toaveyour fouls. Let therebe a quiecnefs in your fpirits inattending upon the word, no hurrying. There is a two-fold diflemper of paffion in many peo- ple, that is a great hindrance to the profit of the word, and fa allyingGods Name inhearing it. r. The firft is a diftemper ofpaffion in thofe that have force trouble of Confcience in them, they are troubled for their fin, and their fpirits are in a difcontented froward Humor, becaufe they have not that comfort that they do defire , and therefore the word of God when it comes to be preached to them 2 if Both not every way fute with their hearts, and if they do not find prefent comfort byit, their fpirits are ilia diftemper and R z froward-