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Name of god in hearing Ills .W O. R. D. _ .__ then there is the Stony ground, and theThorny ground, that is; thole that hear with joy (as was fpoken ofbefore) . bilt the cares Of the world choak the teed of the word ; as foon as ever they are gone, they are upon their worldly bufinefs .and their thoughts and hears runs that way. But then there is the good ground, that is, Thole that receive the Seed ofthe Word intoa good and handl he irt ; a good, and an honeft heart, they are both joyned together : By a good 'heart is meant, a heart char hash no malice in it, a heart that doth de lire to empty it felt of every thing that is agatner- the word, and which is not fue table to the SPiritualnefs of the word : A heart (I fay) that en- tertains nothing in it that any way makes againft the word. .Agoodbeart is a heart (which as the Apoftle faith in yarn. i.2 T. and that place may very well come in here to be opened ) its denied from all filthinefs, and superfluity of nau,gblineff. The word that is there tranflated filthineff, is fignifies Excrements that which is unclean, that whichcomes from the Body : fuch is the finfulnefs of your hearts ; you come to hear the word, if ie bewith evil hearts, youmingle that very filthinefs which is as vile before God as excrementsare, And fuperfluity ofnaughtineff ; by that I take is meant, as if the Holy Ghoit thoulcl fay, _Do not think it enough for co purge away filthinefs, that is, notori- ous etinking evils, abominable fins, that you do not come with fuch filthy vile hearts, but whatfoever there is in your heart that is any way againft the word of Grace,it is a lopes fluity of ;laugh- tinefs ; all kind of evil thoughts, and evil affeaions that are more than needs. Look into your hearts and affeaions, anal fee whatfoever you find there, that is more than ought to be, running out unto any thing that they fhould not, labor to purge out that, faith he, donot fatisfie your felves in any kind of evil whatfoever: it may be you are denied from the notori- ous evils of the world : but if there remains any rAuti,hcinefs, any kind of droffinefs in yolk hearts that is not grace, it is to be purgedout, for it is fuperfluity. So then, that is a good heart that entertains no kind of evil in it. It may be there is fome evil, but it doth defire to purge our, nor only tha.t that is filthy, natty, and abominable e but if there be ally thing chat ' ihould-not be there, a good heart is againft it. And, that .is, a .S 2 good