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SERMON III. Page The omiNon of duty will not ft the Anfwered in four particulars Page =1" s favacaNSV. OMIDI mamma/a Ufe 6. The honor of Gods fervents to draw nigh to him 39 Do& z. we mull fanitifieGods Name in drawing nigh tohim 4Z Fiat, inpreparation to his worthip ib. Becaufe he is a great God 43 z The duties ofGods worihip are great 44 3 Our hurts are naturally unprepared 46 4 The hendrances ofGods worihip are ibid many 5 The Heathens prepared to worfbip their Idols ibid 6 Trepanation Pews finality ofheart 47 Five things wherein preparation confifis 48 A right apprehenfion of God 49 z Taking the heart from finfulwaies ibid 3 Taking of the heartfrom the world ibid 4 I In watching and prayer 50 n ailing thefaculties and graces 5 Four things of the excellency of Preparation 5 z It will make duties eafie ibid. z wepall do much in a little time zb. 3 The Lord will pal by weakneg in duties 53 4 it wilt, make the heart 41;311 ready for duty 54 111111M1MagriaosI ...... ..............som.....s................... SERMON IV. 1 ,............. Cafes ofConicknee a whether we be away bound to fet I fome time apart for preparation to du- ties 55 z whether beini not popare I sl he duty ay be omitted [outlay duty 58 z It u but a temptation to keep from duty 59 3 If the duty be done in fincerity,thougb there be not due preparation,itts ibid ter than to omit it - 4 while people firuggle with their cor- ruptions, andfeek not God, they fall intofnares 6r In what manner Duties are to be perlormed,that Gods Name may be fanilified ibid w perform them fo, that we mayglorige God as a God 61 which Ls done s when we offer all we have 6; z u ben we grieve that we can do no more 64 3 There is an impreffion ofGods infi- nitnefl on the duties of his Saints ibid z when thefoulfollows after God as a God 66 3 when the foul comes expelling the choiceg mercies of God ibid How the heart mug behave it felf to ranilifle Gods Name in recta ofhis greatneg and glov ibid a it muft be a fanilifiedheart 67 s Becaufe the Lord accepts the per- fon before he accepts the action 69- 2. God looks more at the principle of the duty, than at the duty ibid 3 According as the heart is, fo will the. duty be 70 SERMON V. amoomeWIIIIMMOIN z in fantlifying Gods None in roor- fhip we muft have high thoughts of God 3 we mna have high ends lanyhip- pingGoet 7z- Sevoroil