A Theright manner ofSan flififing the way, and when`there are fuch tumultuous and rebellious thoughts riling in their hearts, this is a root ofgall and wormwood ; and take heed of it, it will bring forth bitter fruit one day. But I fhouldquickly be prevented ifI fhould lanch into this argument, to reprove the feveral waies of finning againit God in hearing of his Word. And therefore I leave thofe, andcome to thew what a fearful thing it is for men and women not to fandifie the Name of God in thehearing of his Word, that fo youmay fee that God will havehis Name Santlified upon them. And they re thefe : In the Firft place , You that donot fanclifie Gods Name i in hearing his Word in thofe waies that have been opened to you ; Firft, you lofe thegreateit and happieft opportunity of good that ever Creatures had , for an outward opportunity : \....,indeed, when Godmoves by his Spirit, if that be negletted, that opportunity is more thanmeetly hearing his Word ; but wife, except it be at fuch a time when God adds his Spirit toge- ther withhis Word : I fay, you that are caft by the providence of God in fuch a place where the Word ofthe Gofpel is preached toyou, applied and urgedupon you, if you fanttifie not the Name of God tohear as you ought, and to profit by k , I fay, you lofe the greateft opportunityfor good that is in the world Ohl what haft thou loft that haft lived many yeers under the Miniftryof the Gofpel, and yet haft not been acquainted with thismyftery ofgodlinefs in fanaifyingGods Name in the Word. iThere are many thpufand fouls that are, and fhall be blefling God to all Eternity ;'for` what ofGod they have met withal in theWord; but thou haft fat under it ftupid as a block,dead and barren, and nogoodhathbeen done ; Wherefore is there aprile in the handof apoi,4nd he bathno heart toget wirdom ? This wil lieupon thee heisiy oneday, the lots offuchan opportunity. ... Andthat is'thefirft. In the Secondplace, Know that this Word that* appointed byGod for the conveyance offo much mercy tohis Elea, it wil prove tobe thegreateft aggravation of thy fin that can be; Ibis ss the condemnation, that light is come into the world, andmen love darkieji rather;han light : This is [The] condemnation. If 10 be that light had not re amongyou, then the condemnation had