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2 3 0 The right manner offimaifying the arise of God exhortation.. What if we do not fanttifie Gods Name in this duty ? we come to be guilty of the 'Body and 'Blood of Ghrift. Blood guiltinefs is a terrible thing ; you know 'David cries out, Lord, deliver mefrom bloodguiltinefi ; to have but the blood of anordin try man to lie upon one, to flied the blood of thevileft Rogue that lives in a murderous way, it would lie upon thecomi fcience and be very terrible ; it is impollible that fuch a man can be quiet al his daies, though he bath never fuch a feared confci- ence : An Heathen could nor be at quiet if he hath theguilt of blood lie upon him ; but to be guilty of the Blood of Chrifi, whofe Blood is ten thoufand thoufand times more worth than the blood of al the men chat ever lived upon the faceof the earth, mull needs be a molt dreadful thing : It is a molt fearful exprefli- on, guilty of the 'Body and 'Bloodof Chriji, that is, heofers fuch indignity to the Body and Blood of Chrift, as the Lord will charge him of beingguilty of it, guilty ofabufmg the Body and Blood of jefus Chr i ft. And then, he doth eat anddrinkhk own damnation : but we (hall (peak more to that,, when we come to thew how Godwill fart the his Name in shoe that do not fans= ifie it here in this ho- ly Ordinance. I will not therefore fpend further time in thole Scriptures ; for I bring them only now to thew that there is a neceflicy of it, chit we do Sandifie the Name of God in this Or- tlinance. Thirdly, There is nothing that /hikes more upon a mans con- fcience ; we find it by experience, even upon wicked mens con-, fciences, andefpecially upon fuch as begin tobe enlightened in the holinefs of this Ordinance, God bath put much honor up- on it : I confels tome roen may ufe it Superftitioufly though is beanOrdinance of Chrifl yet God huh put a great deal of honor upon this Ordinance, that men that are vet/ Wicked 0- therwife, yet their coniciences tell them that when they come to this Ordinance, then they mutt begood, then they mutt not fin, but have good thotaghts, and ,good prayers at that time. And many times they dare, not come, if their Confciences tell them that they live in ,tome_ fine I knew,one my felt -once that was to be executed *and he bad never, received:this Ordinance 41,,a11.,Ws life,, though about fourty yeera of :age 3, and, being asked;