in receiving the Sacrament ofthe LordsSupper. 231 asked the reafon why ? he confeft chat he lived in fome fin that he was loth to leave, and therefore would never come to that Or- dinance al his life ; thoughherein the Devil gull'd and deceived him : But I mention it to fhewwhat a power there is in the con ii ofmen about this Ordinance ; this ordinarily is one of the firft things that ftrikes upon the fouls of men when they come to have their confciences awakened, Oh how have I pro- phaned the Name of God in the Ordinance of the holy Commu- nion, and havenot fanttified his Name in ir. That God fhould be fanttified in this Ordinance, that's deer enough. But now the great work is ( which is the third thing which I promifed to thew ) How we fhould fanttifie Gods Name in this Ordinance, Certainly the Name of God bath been much taken in vain, there bath been a great deal of pollution in the ufe of this Ordinance, and in mens fpirits when they have been exercifing themfelves in fuch an holy Ordinance as this is ; therefore I. will open this to you, and fhall not be very large in it, only to thew. you the main principal things that may ferve for thedirettion of us, that the Name ot Godmay not be taken in vain,anddifhono- red as heretofore : and I ihall caft, what I intend to (peak of, into thefe Particulars Firft, That whofoever was to partake of this, muff be holy himfelf ; none can fandifie God, but he muft have a fanaified heart himfelf. Secondly, This Ordinance it muff be received in a holy Com- munion ; there muff be a Communion of Sain-s for this Ordi- nance ; and it cannot bereceived any where elfe, but in a Corn,- amnion ofSaints. Thirdly, The holy difpoficion of foul' particularly!, or the qualifications of the foul that are required, or the fanttifying of Gods Fame in this Ordinance. Fourthly, The manner of the explicite going out of the foul, that there are tohe at the very timeof receiving. Fifthly, Thekeeping of the inftitution of Chriftinour recei- ving. Tilde things are required for the tanetifying of the Name:, of Godin this Ordtnance. 'or the firft, Thfe that commabe holy themfelvee. This.