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23 2 The right manner ofSanilifying the Name ofgod This is an fadinance not appointed for Converfion to make holy ; others that are not converted may come to the Word, , be- caute the Word is appointed to workConvention ; 'cis appoin- ted co work Grace, towork the firif Grace, (Faithcomer by bea- ring ; we do not find in all the Scripture that this is appointed for Converfion, but fuppofes Converfion ; none are tocome to receive this Sacrament but men and women that before are converted by the Word ; theWord therefore is firtt to be prea- ched to men for their Converfion and then this is an Ordi- nance appointed for to feal them : therfore in the Primitive times they let all come to hearing of the Word , and then when the Sermon was done, there was an Officer dept up and cried, `Holy thing' for holy men, and then al others were to goout,and therefore is was called gliffa (though the Palmas did corrupt it, and fo called it the (Mali afterwards, by mixing their own in- ventions inifead ofthe Supper ofthe Lord, hut it had that name at first) I fay, this holy Communion was called by the name of becaufe that al others were fent away, and only fuck as were of the Church, and accounted godly, Raid : holy things to holy men. And thismuff needs be fo, becaufe that thenature of it being the Seal of the Covenant of Grace requires it ; it muff be fuppo.. fed that al that comes hither muff be in Covenant withGod, they muff he fuch as have been brought to fubmic to the condition of the Covenant. Now the condition of the Covenant of Grace is, 'Beene anclberaved; it is therfote appointed for Beleevers And as the nature of it begin a Seal, fuppofeth a Covenant fo none can have this covenant fealed to them , but thole that do fiat fubmit to it, and are brought intoCovenant. When you make an Indenture, andput to the Seal, certainly the Seal be- longs only to thole that have their names rn the Indenture. Now 'us true, thoughmens names are not mentioned in the Word, yet the condition is to thole that are brought in to beleeve in jefus Chtift ; fait h God, I come now to feal al my mercies in Chrlit to their fouls. We abufe God if we come to take the, teal to a blank, is is to make thisOs dinance a ridiculous thing ; therefore there mutt be tome tranfadionsbetween God and your fouls be- fore you come to theSeal o If a man ihould fay toyou, Come,fet to