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2 ;6 The right Inantler of Samailying the Name of god ye not (faith he) that a little leaven leavenetb the rvhol lump theApofirle doth not (peak there of fin , but ofthe wicked ince- ituousperfon, faith he, youmutt look to it that this man be pur- gedout from you, or other wife you are all leavened by it, that is, the whol Church would be leavened by it, if them were not care taken to purge out that one man. Youwill lay, Shall we be theworfe for one wicked mans co rning ? No, ifwe be no way faulty in ir,rhen we cannot be faid to beworfe, and it cannot leaven us : but now when it is out duty topurge him out, and we do not do it ; as in all communion of Saints there is aduty, and there is nor any one but may do forn- thing towards it ; thus far every Communicant in every commu, anion of Saints mutt go ; if there be a wicked man there, if you o"-- come to know it, and do not go thus far as I havetoken, you are defiledby him, you are not defiled by the meer pretence of wickedmen ( for that is a meer deceit andgull that tome would put upon men that differ from chem otherwife ) but thus now you are defiled by their prefence, if you do not doyour duty, and the uttermoft that you are able,to purge themout ; yea,then the whol Congregation is defiled, if they do not do their duty ; now this is the duty ofevery one in the Congregationa to tell theirBrother, or to take twoor three, and atter that to tell the Church, and fo come to profefs againft them ; or if the Church will not do their duty as they ought, yet then to free their own fouls, as to profefs 5 here is one that is fo and foguilty, and may be proved thus and thus : and fo for my part I to free my own foul, profefs that this man or woman ought not to have communion here ; and thus you come to free your own fouls, nd when youhave done thus, detBagh wicked men be there, you craff,,it,,sa tnaay there eat and drink, andnot defiled by their prefence ' for you cannot be laid properly to eat with them now, not to' have communion with them, no more than if a dog fhould come and skipupon theTable, and take a piece ofbread ; you cannot have communion with him becaufe he takes it, nomore have you with thofe wicked men when once you have dealt fo far with them you for your felves profefs againft them that you for your own particular cannot have communion with them herein, this is 4c)C co. eat with them : The Apoitle in 1 Core 5. latter end, do be d th