in receiving the Sacrament of the Lords Supper. 241 little leaven leaqieneth the who! lump? If I do not do fo much asconcerns my duty, then I am defiled by it. So as that ou muff not think that it is nothing to you how manywicked men comes to the Lords Table, and that it belongs only to the WE- nifters, and they are to look to it ; the truth is, that every one in his place is to look to it, and every one may be defiled, if he doth not perform this duty that God requires of him ; do not fay, What have I to do with my Brother ? am I my Brothers keeper ? It was the fpeech of Cain, if thou beeft of the fame bo- dy, you are to have a careof your Brother ; V° not ye judg thofe that are within ? there is force kind of judgment that e- very one may pafs upon fuch as do joyn with them in the fame Body ; furely it concerns me much ; what shall I do in fuch an attion as to joyn with them toeat Bread, whereby I muff pro- fefs that I do beleeve my felf tobe of the fame Body, that this Drunkard is of, that this Whoremafter is of, that this Swea- rer is of ? Whenever you receive the Communion with any company, you doprofefs your felves to be of the fame Body with that company ; only in this cafe, if I have difcovered any, and canparticularly profefs againft anyone, then I do not pro- fefs my felf to be of the fame Body with him : but now when I come in an ordinary way , and I know fuch to be wicked, vile, and prophane , and I profefs nothing againft them, nor take any courfe at all , I do then by partaking with them, profefs my felt. to be of the fame Body that they are of. Thou doeft as it were openly declare , Lord, here we come and profefs that. weare all of the Body of Jefus Chrdt : now when thou knoweft fuch and fuch are notorioufly wicked and prophane, and doff nothing in the world to help to purge them out , delft not thou think that Gods Name is taken in vain ? is not Gods Namepro - pinnedhere ? Therefore it concerns us very much to look-un- - to it, that it be a holy Communion that we receive the Bread and Wine in ; I beieechyou therefore underftand things aright .thav I have fpoken of; I have labored to fatisfie men that there is a way that we may partake of the Sacrament though wicked men be mixt with us : but this is that which is required of you for. doingyour duty, tokeep your felves clean, that you may nor be acceffary to any way, Co any wickedmans corning topartake.